


ルールはシンプルです。重要でないフレーズ ー to, and, of ーは削除し、各単語の先頭文字を大文字にしましょう。下の例を見てください。右側の広告文の方が、少しだけ目立つはずです。そしてこの「少し」がPPCでは重要なのです。


検索キーワードを文章に含めると、広告の品質スコアにおける広告の関連性が上がりますし、広告文そのものの魅力も高まります。キーワードの例として「buy apple iphone 7」を見てみましょう。2つの会社が、このキーワードに対して入札したとすると、ディスクリプションにそのキーワードを含まれている方は、ワードが太字になっているのがわかります。これは関連性のある広告となり、高いCTRにつながります。


上で紹介したBest Butの広告では、ブランド名である「Apple」が表示URLに付加されているのがわかります。更に「www.bestbuy.com/apple/iphone7」とキーワードをURLパスに追加すると、ユーザーの目にはこの広告の関連性はより高く映ります。



Instantly Boost Your CTR With Three Easy Changes to Your Ad Copy

Any SEM professional knows the importance of your CTR, in fact, the CTR is the first things I look at when analysing a PPC account for the first time. By checking the state of the CTR before any kind of in-depth analysis, I can make a quick assumption on how well this account is structured, and what kind of ad copy I’ll be dealing with.
Good ad copy directly correlates with a good CTR, and a good CTR influences your keyword quality score, thenceforth lowering your costs and improving the health of your account. So why do so many advertisers miss out on adding the basics? By following a few simple rules, you can immediately improve your CTR for some quick wins.

Capitalize each starting letter

Even though capitalizing the first letter of each word in your ad copy is recommended by Google, it’s surprising to see how often it gets ignored in ad text. You have such little time to capture someone’s attention – especially with how crowded SERP’s have become – that your text needs to immediately jump out at its audience.
The rule is simple – capitalize every word, barring inconsequential phrases like: to, and, or of. From the example below we can see how the ad on the right jumps out just that little bit more, and hey, every little bit counts in PPC!

Keyword rich text description

It’s easy to use one universal text description across your ad groups, it’s even efficient most of the time. But, is it the most effective way? Certainly, not.
By using keywords in your text, it not only helps boost your ad relevancy in the quality score, but also improves the attractiveness of your ad copy. Take the keyword “buy apple iphone 7” for example. When we compare two companies bidding for this keyword, we can see that one has added it in their description, and so Google boldens these keywords. This makes for a more relevant ad that leads to a higher CTR.

Add a display URL that is keyword rich

While it’s the simplest hack of the three, editing the display URL is still a commonly unused tactic. Simply add your keyword at the end of the display URL, or with the new ETA’s, add a path with relevant terms.
In the same ad copy by Best Buy, we can see that they’ve at least made the effort to add the brand Apple in the URL. One thing they could do is add an extra path so there display URL reads www.bestbuy.com/apple/iphone7 – this solidifies relevancy in the user’s eyes.

Apply the trifecta today

While these tactics are more so supporting factors to what should be well written ad copy – they’re a sure-fire way to improve the quality of your ads. Your ad copy still needs to be descriptive and utilize a CTA, but by applying these changes – which you can do within an hour – you can expect to see those percentages rise. Even if it’s only a 1% lift in CTR, you must remember that the slightest increases, especially when dealing with large traffic volumes, can make a massive impact on your account performance.



josel solas

オーストラリア国立RMIT University(ロイヤルメルボルン工科大学)卒。コンサルタント。PPC、SEO、SNSマーケティングを担当。
