For the original article in English, CLICK HERE

Webサイトユーザー:日本人の場合 vs アメリカ人の場合










  • ・(弁護士事務所)法務サービスを提供して一世紀、我々の精神は年々若返る
  • ・(ベルト製造業)未来へのブレイクスルー
  • ・(化学原料製造業)日常生活の必需品を提供して80年


  • ・What’s Newセクション
  • ・CEOの挨拶
  • ・ニュースリリース
  • ・財政状況
  • ・開催予定のイベント
  • ・オフィスや工場の写真


  • 1)刺さるタイトル。製品やサービスがユーザーにもたらすベネフィットを強調するもの
  • 2)明快なCall-to-Actionボタン。ユーザーが次にすべきことは、この上なく明確に
  • 3)美しいメイン画像。ユーザーが製品やサービスを使った時にどんな気持ちになるのかを表すもの
  • 4)サポート文章。ユーザーにもっとこの会社のことを知りたいと思わせるもの
  • 5)必要な場合は、もう一つCall-to-Actionボタン。ユーザーが必要な情報を得るために押したくなるもの





他の効果的なランディングページの例は、以下の記事を参考にしてください。 (English) (Japanese)



  • 1)刺さるタイトル
  • 2)明確なCall-to-Actionボタン
  • 3)美しく、ベネフィットを表現するメイン画像
  • 4)補助的文章
  • 5)(必要なら)追加のCTAボタン


the original article

This article is part of a series to highlight the differences between Japanese and Western approaches to Websites and Digital Marketing. It is aimed at Japanese companies who want to create global websites that appeal to the rest of the world.As an American who has lived in Japan for more than 12 years, I often compare Japanese users with American users. While I often compare Japanese to Americans, the same could apply to all Westerners, be they Americans, Europeans, Australians or Kiwis.
Specifically this article, I want to explain in detail what it takes to make a great landing page that will appeal to a Western audience. I will also point out some common mistakes to avoid. These are mistakes that Japanese companies make over and over again on their international web sites. Finally, I will present an example of an effective page in use today that appeals to a Western Audience.

Japanese Website Visitors vs. Americans

When a Japanese user visits a site. They tend to spend some significant time viewing the site, reading the text, and analyzing the offers to see if your site has credibility. If your home page is lacking large amounts of supporting text, and many small images, Japanese users feel that you are hiding something.By comparison, we Americans are very impatient human beings. You have 5 seconds or less to impress us, otherwise, we hit that back button and leave your site.

Two Tests to Evaluate Your Site

Here are 2 tests that your Landing Page needs to pass to be effective to Americans.

The 5 Second Test

At that 5 second point after visiting a page, American readers make “THE decision”. They will decide to continue reading your page and consider your offer. Or, they will decide to hit the Back Button and move on to something else.In that 5 seconds, we will read the Title, glance at the Main Image, read the Call-to-Action button, and maybe scan some supporting text.
As they say in English, “you only get 1 chance to make a first impression”. So, if you want to succeed with Americans, you need to pass the “5-Second Test”. You need to provide a highly engaging first impression to make them want to stay on your site and continue.
For international visitors, it’s really important to pass the 5-Second Test. Yet very few Japanese companies can pass this test themselves. Implicitly, they apply the same expectations of international users as Japanese users. They bombard the user with lots of images and text, trying to provide proof that they have a valid service to offer. The result is the extra complexity scares the user away.

“What’s In It For Me?” Test

Another test that is really important is the “What’s In It For Me” Test? During the first few seconds on the page, the reader needs to know WHO this product or site is for, and what BENEFIT they will get from you or your offer.

How Well Do Japanese Sites Score?

Most International Japanese Websites fail this test as well. Many don’t even have H1 Title Tags. This makes it not only hard for the reader to focus, but also makes it difficult for search engines like Google to even find and categorize your page. And, of those sites that have a title, many waste prime real estate by only stating their company name. Many more Japanese company website titles display value slogans that give no real indication of the benefit they provide for the reader.
Examples of Pointless Slogans in English:

  • (Law firm) We have provided legal assistance for one entire century, and our spirit gets younger with every year.
  • (Belts Manufacturer) Breakthroughs for the future.
  • (Chemical & materials company) 80 Years of supplying Essentials to Daily Life

In each of these cases, the statements have no meaning to me as the first time visitor.
Here is a list of things that many International Japanese Websites have that are pointless to global visitors.

  • “What’s New” Section
  • Introduction from the CEO
  • News Release
  • Financial Results
  • Upcoming Events
  • Pictures of the office or manufacturing plants

Please don’t misunderstand, all these things above are important. But they don’t need to be on the top 1/3 of your home page (AKA “above the fold”). That viewable “screen real estate” on your home page or landing page, is immensely valuable.
Instead, try focusing on these things.

  1. A Great Title that highlights the benefit the user will get if they use your product or service.
  2. A clear Call-to-Action Button. The next step should be completely clear.
  3. Beautiful Main Image that reinforces the benefits of how a user will feel if they use your product or service.
  4. Supporting text that encourages users to continue reading down the page to learn more about your company.
  5. If necessary, additional CTA’s that encourage users to self select to get to the right information they need.

A Great Example

As an example of the really effective landing page for Western Markets, I would like to present the home page for Uber.
Uber is a ride sharing company that is competing with taxi services, and growing astronomically. Let’s take a look at their Home Page.
Let’s view this page with the 5 criteria mentioned above.
1. A Great Title
2. A Clear Call-to-Action
3. A Beautiful Background Image
The main image can be the most important choice you make when you design the website. 。
a. Here is what I infer when I look at this image.

  • ・I see two rather intelligent men engaged in an active friendly conversion. Looks like they are having fun. If I use Uber, maybe I will gain some additional benefit like learning from a knowledgeable person.
  • ・The driver looks like a retired professor. I feel like I would trust him driving me to somewhere.
  • ・The car itself looks really nice. It has nice leather seats, that I can practically smell. Looks like a Mercedes Benz.

b. All of these nice feelings of Uber are inferred from this image. I suspect that Uber has A/B tested countless times against other images.
c. Overall, this image appeals to me, because I can see myself being in this image. It helps answer the “What’s-in-it-for-me” Test.
4. Supporting Text – In this case, there is not much text above the fold. Uber has rejected it to keep it simple & clean. However, if you scroll down, you will see a lot more text that explains the details of the service they offer.
5. Additional CTA’s – Ideally you want to have one CTA. However, in the case of Uber, they are also looking for drivers. So they have an additional CTA button, also in red, in the upper right corner.
Remember, all these things need to work together to pass the 5-Second Test as well as the What’s-In-It-For-Me. And, for Uber, these elements work magnificently well. They must be pleased with their signup conversion rates.
For more examples of effective landing page design, you visit one of these articles here. (English) (Japanese)


Remember, there are some significant cultural differences between expectations between Japanese users and Western users. Many Japanese companies don’t take into account these western differences. And, often create Landing Pages and Home Pages that don’t appeal to the Western audiences.
If you are a Japanese company creating a landing page for Western visitors, stay away from items that are popular on Japanese websites. Don’t use pointless vague slogans that have no meaning for first time visitors. Also, remove items like “Message from the CEO”, “News Items” that have no value for the 1st time visitor. It just distracts them from the goal.
When crafting a landing page for Western users, it’s important to score well in the 5-Second Test, and the “What’s In It For Me” Test. You absolutely need to convince users who the site is for, and the value they get in the first 5 seconds.
Finally, keep your landing pages simple, don’t clutter the user with too many choices and conflicting information.
Keep in mind the 5 elements for a good landing page.

  1. A Great Title
  2. A Clear Call-To-Action Button
  3. A Beautiful Main Image that describes the benefits
  4. Supporting Text
  5. (if necessary) Additional CTA’s.

When crafting your landing page, if you apply these simple principles, you can attract more international customers, which leads to more revenue and more profits for your business.



ミシガン大学卒。データ解析コンサルタント。Apple社、Microsoft社でソフト開発経験を積み、Microsoft社(MSN 事業部)とAdobe Systems社を経て、プリンシプル社に参画。
